Apple Cider Vinegar For Dogs

Apple Cider Vinegar For Dogs

What is Apple Cider Vinegar? - (ACV)

Apple Cider Vinegar is fermented juice made from apples. It includes acetic acid and nutrients like Vitamin B & Vitamin C. 

I'm sure you've heard of Apple Cider Vinegar used for foods such as salad dressing but they  also have some amazing health benefits for your dog. 

How is Apple Cider Vinegar made?

  1. It is produced with a 2 step process, firstly organic apples are crushed and made into apple juice. The apples are not peeled or deseeded during this process. 

  2. Then the organic apple juice is fermented by leaving the juice over a long period of time. During this process the naturally occurring bacteria and sugars that are found within the apples then convert to ethanol, also known as alcohol. 

  3. Then the 2nd process starts where another round of fermentation is used, this changes the alcohol into acetic acid which results in the formation of the ‘Mother’. Which includes Acetobacter aceti bacteria, cellulose and enzymes.

  4. Then water is added to dilute the organic apple cider vinegar to 5% acidity. 

When purchasing Apple Cider Vinegar it is best to look for one that is organic, unfiltered and raw as this means it is free from additional chemicals. When the Apple Cider Vinegar is unpasteurised it means there are active enzymes that benefit your dog more, if it isn't pasteurised it could be useless for your dog. 

Not all Apple Cider Vinegar contains the ‘Mother’ therefore it is always best to check before buying if you are using it for your dog, as it is known to help in many potential ways. When you first buy a bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar it can separate and this process is very normal, therefore we advise to shake the bottle before every use.

Can I use Apple Cider Vinegar for my puppy?

The short answer is yes! As long as it is used in the correct way with the correct dosage then there are many great health benefits. 

The same process applies for puppies when choosing the correct Apple Cider Vinegar, it should be organic, unfiltered and raw. This means it will contain the ‘Mother’ and be a positive experience for your puppy. 

As we all know puppies' digestive systems can be more sensitive than an adults especially when they first go to their new home. This means you should work up to the dosage they are allowed, make sure there are no side effects and keep a close eye on them. 

What are the benefits of using Apple Cider Vinegar for my dog?

  1. Helps relieve itchy paws & Skin - When using on your dog for itchy paws or irritated skin caused by allergies, insect bites, hotspots or yeast imbalances, it is best to use as a 50/50 solution of ACV and water then spray directly onto the area. Make sure NOT to put on open wounds, the vinegar will make it sting and make sure to always dilute before using as this can cause more skin irritations. ACV can also be used in a bath, make sure to dilute around 200ml into a lukewarm bath, place your dog in the bath and let it soak. You can also add it into their food however for skin irritations it is best to use it directly. ACV can help by using its various properties such as Anti- inflammatory Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal and PH balance. 
  2. Ear Health - ACV is great for ear health as it uses its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties therefore it is a great natural alternative. By using ACV on a regular basis it can help with the PH balance within their ears leading to less issues. You can clean your dog's ears and help to maintain general ear health with diluting ACV as a 50/50 solution. 50% ACV & 50% water. When cleaning out your dog's ears it is very important to use a clean cotton ball or pad and to dispose of it after every wipe. Make sure not to clean into the ear canal as it can cause discomfort and pain. Plus make sure not to pour the solution into the ears, put onto a cotton wool ball or pad and wipe the visible part of the ear. It is also important to know that ACV cannot be used on existing ear infections. If your dog shows signs of being uncomfortable or in pain you should stop immediately and contact your vets to be advised on the best approach for your dog. 
  3. Preventing Fleas & Ticks - ACV is a great way to keep the pesky pests away when out and about. You can mix 50% ACV and 50% water, put into a spray bottle and spray even amounts all over their body. Make sure to check on a small patch of their body 24 hours before using in case they are allergic. Be careful around areas that may have open sores or be sensitive. If your dog is more prone to go to areas with longer grass or around cattle then you can apply the solution with your hands to make a more intense barrier around areas such as the head, ears and neck. 
  4. Helps aid digestion - ACV is great for your dog’s gut health in fact their gut health can help with many areas within the body as 90% of your dog's immune system is in their gut. The fermentation process used in making ACV creates a great probiotic. When your dog receives probiotics this helps with their gut health and in turn leads to better digestion. When giving your dog ACV it is important to remember to dilute the solution by putting it in their water or food. Use -
    • 1 teaspoon for up to 6kg
    • 2 teaspoons for dogs between 7 - 15kg
    • 1 tablespoon for dogs 16 - 38kg
    As stated before it is important to keep an eye out for any reactions your dog may have. 
  5. Obesity - ACV is known to help reduce oxidative stresses associated with obesity. Oxidative stresses happen when free radicals also known as ‘unstable and damaged molecules’ start to damage the cells within your dog's body. Oxidation is a normal process that happens in every dog however if the free radicals become unbalanced it can cause issues with obesity. Therefore if your dog needs help to loose weight feeding daily can help reduce the complications from being overweight. To feed, use the guideline in gut health as it would be the same. 
  6. Urinary Tract infections - Using ACV can help reduce the inflammation that causes UTI’s and help by creating the urinary tract to become more acidic therefore this helps to decrease bacteria growth and help to balance their PH. If you think your dog has a UTI it is best to consult your vet and speak to them regarding the dosage of ACV they should receive. 

What are the signs if my dog reacts to ACV?

Firstly it is important to remember that every dog reacts differently, you know your dog best so trust your gut. If you are unsure it is always best to consult your vet.  

Some signs to look out for would be - 

  • Vomiting 

  • Diarrhoea 

  • Sore mouth 

  • Sore ears 

  • Open sores or irritation 

  • Discomfort 

  • Change in behaviour 

Here at Proper Natural we have taken the time to make our own Apple Cider Vinegar to test and see what the benefits are. We have noticed with our Spaniel Daisy that it keeps her ears cleaner for a lot longer as she is prone to wax build up. We have also noticed with Luna that her stomach seems to be more settled as she is prone to sensitivities and can sometimes get an upset stomach. We will continue to use ACV and observe if there are any more health benefits for our dogs. However, it is also really important to note that while people and us have seen great health benefits when feeding or using ACV, there is no strong scientific evidence to say it does work on all of the benefits mentioned. If you have any concerns or need advice it is always best to consult your vet. 

Olivia x